Pet Friendly practical informations

To make your pet-friendly trip easier, here’s a few practical information for your moves, shopping, activities, and an emergency veterinary service.

Follow the guidelines and spend unforgettable times together!

Specific dogs’ regulation

National regulation distinguishes 3 categories of dogs:

  • 1st and 2nd categories refer to guard and defense dogs, and to attack dogs. According to national regulation, these dogs must be leashed and muzzled on public highway, in common parts of collective buildings, in public places and in public transportation.
  • 3rd category refers to all other dogs. There is no national regulation for dogs of the 3rd category.
  • Guide dogs for the blind are allowed in public transportation and other public places. They must be held on a leash, like every other dog in public places, but the muzzle is not mandatory.


  • Dogs must be held on a leash on public highway and in the urban area
  • Dog faeces must be collected under penalty of a fine from 45 to 450 €
  • In Nice, it is prohibited to let domestic animals’ ramble. A dog running at large means that it is no longer on the supervision of its owner (more than 100 meters) and is out of reach of voice or any sound instrument allowing its recall. It is also forbidden to allow dogs to roam on cultivated or uncultivated lands, meadows, vineyards, orchards, woods, marshes and on the banks of rivers, ponds, and lakes.


In National Parks, dogs (except herding dogs and guide dogs) are prohibited in the core zone but allowed held on a leash in the peripheral zone.

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