Festival de Tragédies at the Cimiez Arena

17 June 2024

Discover the 1st Tragedy Festival at the Cimiez Arena

Join us from June 19 to July 5, 2024 for a unique festival dedicated to timeless tragedies. Set in the historic and enchanting setting of the Arènes de Cimiez, this first edition promises exceptional theatrical evenings that will leave a lasting impression.

Dive into the fascinating world of the great classical tragedies and immerse yourself in an extraordinary artistic experience!

The Festival de Tragédies, more than a festival…🎭

The Festival de Tragédies aux Arènes de Cimiez is much more than just a theatrical event. It’s an invitation to rediscover literary masterpieces in a unique setting, under the stars, and to share moments of pure emotion. Whether you’re a theater enthusiast or simply curious, these evenings promise to transport and move you.

Phèdre de Racine, directed by Muriel Mayette-Holtz, opens the festival from June 19 to 22. This is followed by Calek, performed by Charles Berling, and Notre Homère, an adaptation of Homer’s The Odyssey by Jacques Bonnaffé. Finally, Andromaque de Racine, directed by Stéphane Braunschweig, brings the event to a fitting close on July 2-3.

Don’t miss this opportunity to rediscover the great works of the tragic repertoire.