Nice Carnival 2025: options and bookings soon open

16 September 2024

The Nice Carnival, King of the Oceans, takes place from 15 February to 2 March 2025!

The programme for the 2025 Nice Carnival was distributed to tourism professionals by the City of Nice in its May 2024 newsletter.
After a great day of popular entertainment on Saturday 15 February, the first corso, with a unique programme, will take place at 8.30pm.
Here is some information to help you prepare your customers’ stay.

Opening of options and reservations

Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 9.00 am.

Send your option/booking request by email from Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 9:00 to specifying:
➜ the desired dates and events,
➜ the number of people,
➜ the category (numbered seats or standing in pedestrian areas).

It will be processed in chronological order of receipt and validated according to the number of places requested per date and availability.
Please note: All bookings or option requests received before this date have not been or will not be taken into account. Agencies that have sent in their request before 24 September 2024 9:00 a.m. must send in a new request.

Accompanying persons free of charge

You can get one free seat in the pedestrian zone (standing room) for every 20 paying seats for the driver and/or accompanying person.
Access to the Zone A stands is only permitted to holders of a Zone A ticket. If the group requires the presence of an accompanying person to supervise them until they are seated in the grandstand, a ticket for pedestrian zone A may be sent to you at the rate of one ticket per group and per event. Any other free tickets you may be entitled to will be in pedestrian zone B.
Accompanying persons are not allocated free tickets automatically: please let us know your requirements.

Parking for coaches

We would like to inform you that the parking space on rue du Maréchal Vauban (access to which was subject to prior booking with your Nice hotelier) is closed for refurbishment work and will no longer be accessible to tourist buses.
➜ Also, a new location to accommodate coaches will be available for the next Carnival, to the west of the city.
To enable you to incorporate this change into the organisation of your stay, we would like to inform you that access to it will be subject to a charge.
Details of the charges and how to book the car park will be sent to you shortly.