La Bollène-Vésubie

Visit La Bollène-Vésubie with the Nice Côte d’Azur Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau

Situated on the Route des Grandes Alpes, which leads to the Bévéra valley via the Col de Turini, La Bollène-Vésubie is a very old village built into the mountainside on a promontory.

A magnificent oval-shaped village surrounded by the road, it has many narrow, stepped streets and old, high Alpine houses crammed together, some of them built right into the rock. This is mountain territory, with barns and ‘vacheries’, valleys, gorges and the Turini-Camp d’Argent ski resort.


Sights :

  • The Entomology Museum
  • Saint-Laurent Church
  • The grain mill
  • The cultural centre.


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